DBSC hosts flash pre wedding party
Guest User
Saturday 30 Jan. Sailing over. Boats packed up, storm clouds gathered. A dozen hearty souls decided to have one last beer before heading home. Then the heavens opened. Big time. Biblical. While we were sitting back and enjoying the storm, a couple of well dressed blokes came into the club and asked if they and a 'few' guests could take shelter from the storm while they waited for a ferry to take them to a wedding.
"Sure. Come on in. Make yourself comfortable and there's beer in the fridge at $3 per can"
For 45 minutes DBSC hosted a wonderful party for 100 or so guests ahead of Nigel and Anita Lynn's nuptials. We met some great people and helped a couple through what might have been an ugly time. Then the storm abated, ferry arrived, the party moved on and we went home. All the guests were very appreciate of DBSC's hospitality.
A fun time for all.
Helping a younger folk.