Balmoral folk celebrating
Given the strong connection between our club and Balmoral, we have been approached (see below) by the paramount leader at Balmoral Sailing Club, to be part of their 70th celebrations.
Speaking from his lab at MIT, Dear Leader endorsed our members supporting those celebration:
"As a local resident of Balmoral for many years before I downsized to a flat, I always admired the energy around that club and the illegal parking by the Mosman Mums. I would have joined, except the size of the Laser fleet wasn't world class.
Anyway, I will be attending their birthday celebrations.
I'm off to Kingston shortly for the Worlds, but concerned whether there is enough draft for my tinnie.
DBSC hits its own birthday milestone and I look forward to enjoying a few shandies on our deck."
Good afternoon Madam Secretary,
Balmoral Sailing Club has been given your email address by YNSW as representative of either a Sailing Club or Class Association in NSW.
We are trying to locate past members (and families and friends) of Balmoral Sailing Club to invite them to be a part of the Club's 70th Celebrations to be held on Sunday 18th October 2015 at Balmoral Sailing Club, The Esplanade, Mosman, commencing at 12:00 noon. We would appreciate any publicity that you can give us in contacting former BSC sailors and friends. You may view and download the Media Release, photos and logo as you see fit to use them for publicity.
The Media Release can be accessed via the link below:
Bill Buckle & Bob Oatley - founding members, pictured at Balmoral Sailing Club, June 2015
The first home of Balmoral 12ft Sailing Club (later Balmoral Sailing Club)
Balmoral Sailing Club 70th Celebrations
Thank you in anticipation of your assistance and if we have been given an out of date contact could you please forward this, let me know and also advise YNSW.
Kind Regards
Susan Halloran
Marketing & Publicity, Balmoral Sailing Club