Wonderful Worker's Celebration Weekend..Club Championships this weekend
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What a long weekend...with all sorts of weather.
Things are getting busier now summer is really here:
- More yachts on the harbour, some of whom randomly apply by the "starboard boat has right of way over port boat, unless Port boat is bigger" rule.
- Irrefutable evidence that boat handling skills of owners are inversely proportional to the length of the boat.
- the Island season is underway, providing distraction to the mental preparation of many at DBSC
- Wednesday twilight sailing at DBSC, although a strong southerly buster might cause issues this week
Boarding the Island's shuttle is precarious and requires vigilant oversight. Matt selflessly delayed his sailing on Saturday to make sure each and every lady was safe. Good job Matt
This coming Saturday we have Club Championships. Usual course and time. We expect a bumper roll up.