Pointscore opened and a Note from the Handicapper....
Guest User
First two heats of Pointscore are complete.
Matt as PRO had work cut out as the breeze swung North. The blokes in the RIB (richard and Muhamed) were kept busy shifting buoys, and we managed two decent races.
Results, as always, hopefully, on the webpage.
And a note from Daryl......
This years Pointscore is going to look a bit weird. It works like this (Dilbert fashion). The handicap shown in the race results summary was your start handicap based on your final Autumn handicap. It is now a Personal Handicap that is multiplied against your elapsed time to give your corrected time. The lower the number, the smalle, and r corrected time will be. So .... Race 1 had your starting handicap applied to your elapsed time to give corrected time. And voila.... results for race one. My system then assumes that the top half of the fleet was sailing well against handicap (first place obviously ridiculously better) and the back half of the fleet was not sailing to expectations (somewhat severely handicapped). So lets do some adjustment. For the next race I assume that the middle guy performed as expected (no handicap change), that the top half of the fleet needs an increase in their rating (slow them down a bit), and the back half needs some speeding up by reducing their rating. The change in handicap has been set at a half correction only due to the fact that we tend to be a bit random in our performance and don't want to change handicap TOO far from our expected relativities. So for each race, you will see all Personal Handicap ratings change except for those in the middle of the fleet. This contrasts with last seasons Pointscore where only the top two were slowed down, and the bottom two sped up.
The other advantage of this seasons system is that the time length of the race does not matter. The handicaps are a percentage type of thing, not a plus/minus whole minutes. Unfortunately the system does not cater for performances in 25 knots versus 8 knots and variable. 2015 ????
The winner this season will be either the person who can continually improve (with the occasion poor perforamnce that is included in the drops) or the person who is the most consistent (no bad points to include in net score). Of course, that means you also have to minimise your DNC/DNF/OCS/BFD/DSQ results.
Yours baffled in bull (all bribes considered)
Guy with the handy cap.