79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


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This coming Saturday's racing is the last of the year before we start keeping score!

Starting with a honking "south to southwesterly 15 to 20 knots decreasing to about 10 knots during the evening", it should be a lot of fun, and not to cold, for Sprint Racing.  Time to start working on the leave pass from home.

It is also a great opportunity to invite some Laser friends who haven't raced with us before. They can mix it with us on the starting line and around the marks without affecting the results (in fact we don't even record scores before September).

Even though it is Sprint Racing, we will be sticking to the rules (with the only adjustment being one penalty turn and not two).

At the noon briefing, there will be a short summary of the rules affecting the starting line by either Ozzy and Dear Leader.  Ozzy will take queries, while Dear Leader just will require adherence to the rules he states.

To answer the next obvious question, click,  HOW MANY TIMES CAN A VISITOR RACE WITH DBSC?

See you on Saturday.