Dear Leader denies Radial preference....
As you can see from Bureau of Metrology observations below, at approximately 4.10pm on Saturday 1 November 2012, the conditions on Sydney Harbour became more conducive for a Radial rig rather than a Standard rig.
Dear Leader denies that at that time his preference was for a Radial rig. At the international press conference later in the day he clarified his on-water comments:
"I suggested to the on-water officials that, with respect to the Occupational Health and Safety ("OH&S") guidelines, it may only be appropriate for morbidly obese, say 120kg, sailors using 4.7 rigs to continue racing given the slightly heavier conditions. There was no mention of it being my preference to be participating in a Radial rig at that particular time. This scurrilous rumour was obviously put out by the Radial faction within ILCA, ISAF and the United Nations, who want impose their totalitarian ideals on all Laser sailors. That is not to say there is something wrong with a Radial rig: even I tried one for 45 minutes after a certain birthday."