79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


Who is "Deposit"?


After checking the club's bank account we have discovered we have three new members: Marlena; Simon; and Deposit.

Marlena and Simon we know are enthusiastic sailors, but the only thing we know about Deposit is that they paid $400 into the DBSC bank account on 20 October 2014 and are unfamiliar with the protocols of making electronic funds transfers (usually referred to as "EFT").

Would Deposit contact either me ( secretary@dbsc.com.au ), or the Treasurer ( treasurer@dbsc.com.au ) so we can allocate a conventional name to the nickname, please?

I encourage all our members to make welcome this season's 96th, 97th and 98th regular members!
