79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.

Twilights Survey 2023

Twilight Sailing Survey 2023-24 Season

Hello fellow Twilight Sailors,

A proposal has been put forward to change the day for weekday afternoon Twilights for this 2023-24 season from Wednesday to Thursday.
(This will only happen if a large majority of existing twilight sailors agree to sail on the new day.)

This was raised with the DBSC Committee, and this is the reasoning put forward to be considered:
- Wednesday afternoon is quite busy on the Harbour, especially with the CYCA Wednesday Twilight starts positioned off Point Piper, (and other yacht clubs also on Wednesday afternoon), we are constantly trying to avoid their starts/finishes etc.
- Thursday afternoon is a lot less busy on the Harbour especially in the area off Double Bay.

For your information from Last Season:
- There were 27 DBSC scheduled Wednesday Twilight opportunities,
- 40 members joined us on the water at some stage for a Twilight Sail,
- 13 members attended 7 times or more,
- Individual participation ranged up to a maximum of 17 times,
- We had up to 16 sailors on the water on some twilight afternoons.

The results will be discussed by DBSC Committee, and existing twilight sailors will also receive a summary of the form results without individual member names being identified.

As a Twilight Sailor from last season, we would like your responses in the Form below: