79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


Easter Saturday: Race Around the Harbour

Steven London

This weekend we have our annual Easter Saturday race around the harbour. It’s a great event and there may be some chocolates floating around on the day.

The intention is to run a handicap start (pursuit race) in a single combined fleet. Individual’s start times are based on your club handicap. These will be provided by the Race Team, so please ensure youmake note of your individual start time PRIOR to leaving the beach.

The proposed course is as above but this could change on the day, depending on wind direction and strength. 

Further details will be provided at the briefing on Saturday.


Chris Tattersall

Fund-raising for New RIBs

From the Club Calendar

Wednesday 27 March: Twilight Sailing (5PM splash)

Thursday 28 March: Twilight Racing (5PM splash)

Saturday 30 March:
- DBSC’s annual Easter Race Around the Harbour (1PM briefing, 2PM-ish start)

Thank you to the members who are sending through information for the newsletter. If you have content for the newsletter, please email it to newsletter@dbsc.com.au by Monday evening.

View all racing results here.
The club’s calendar can be viewed and subscribed to here.
Make a tax deductible donation to DBSC here.

Race Report - Saturday 16 March 2024

Chris Tattersall

Photo by Pete Collie

Autumn PoiNt Score Races 11 & 12

Our fleet of over 40 boats was met with a light and shifty ESE breeze. A relatively short easterly course was laid in the “Dardanelles” between Point Piper and Shark Island. Shortly before the first start the wind shifted south and, continuing the military analogy, it looked like it might prove to be a “soldier’s course”. Thankfully, that turned out to be just one of many large oscillations throughout an afternoon that rewarded lighter sailors attuned to changes in wind direction and strength.

Both fleets were well-behaved during the starts, although a couple of visitors in the Radial fleet over-stepped their welcome and attracted the individual recall flag.

There were lots of tight battles right across the fleets in both races. While an aggrieved Steve won an apology in his tussle, it was Grant who crossed the finish line ahead of him. Special congratulations to Miles Greenwood who took line honours in both races in his first appearance in the Radial fleet.

Winners on handicap were as follows:

Race 11
ILCA 6 (Radial): Tory Epworth
ILCA 7 (Standard): Maxim Djura

Race 12
ILCA 4 (4.7): Theo McGonigle
ILCA 6 (Radial): Tory Epworth
ILCA 7 (Standard): Murray Stone

Winter Championships - are you sailing this Winter?

Guest User

Sadly the summer season of sailing and racing is drawing to a close next month. But don't despair, racing continues weekly throughout most of Winter, early on Sunday mornings from 12 May

If you need to fuel your ILCA addiction and practice those lighter, shifty Westerlies then the Winter Championship is this answer.

It is not for everyone though, and if you are NOT planning to sail during Winter then email Tim Heath (roster@dbsc.com.au) so that you can be removed from the racing duty roster until Spring sailing begins again.

General Boat Driving Licence

Steven London

Images courtesy SeaSchool.com.au

DBSC is once again offering to subsidise members who wish to get their NSW General Boat Driving Licence. A boat licence is important for club volunteer duty as it allows you to legally drive the RIBs, plus it’s worthwhile for anyone who just loves boating. You can apply from age 12 onward.

The provider we propose to use is the same as last year, seaschool.com.au. We will have a group booking at Bayview on Pittwater. Unlike some providers, their course includes the on-water experience component and the written exam. The proposed group booking dates are Sat 13 and/or 14 April (i.e. on the National Masters weekend), with a 07:30 sharp start time. Alternative dates (individual or group) can also be accommodated -- just discuss with the course provider (and please CC me so I can keep track of the numbers).

After successfully completing the course, there is a fee payable at RMS (Service NSW) for the licence itself (see https://www.nsw.gov.au/driving-boating-and-transport/maritime-licences/boat-and-pwc-licences/licence-and-test-fees). I recommend getting the 10-year licence.

In addition to negotiating a discounted course cost for DBSC members, the club will reimburse you $200 with the provision of evidence after you obtain your licence from Service NSW.

Please contact davidmurphy@dbsc.com.au to register your interest.


Chris Tattersall

A Message From Our Queensland Colleaugues

Please contact Dave Newman ASAP if you are thinking of attending the AUS Masters.

From the Club Calendar

Wednesday 20 March: Twilight Sailing (5PM splash)

Thursday 21 March: Twilight Racing (5PM splash)

Saturday 23 March:
- Club Championships Races 13 & 14 (1PM briefing, 2PM first warning)
- BBQ after racing (nominally 5PM)
(Parents and Partners welcome, but please let us know for catering numbers)

Thank you to the members who are sending through information for the newsletter. If you have content for the newsletter, please email it to newsletter@dbsc.com.au by Monday evening.

View all racing results here.
The club’s calendar can be viewed and subscribed to here.
Make a tax deductible donation to DBSC here.

Race Report 2024 NSW ACT Laser Metro's 9-10 March

Chris Tattersall

44 DBSC members made early starts on Saturday and Sunday to join the substantial fleet of ILCA Laser sailors at the Metro’s hosted by Vaucluse Yacht Club. The early start had the advantage of avoiding the crush of 18 Footers on the final weekend of their JJ Giltinan Championships.

Ben Byford reports from the start boat:

The ILCA Metropolitan Championships hosted by Vaucluse Yacht Club on March 9th and 10th saw record participation of 119 boats across all fleets, with sailors travelling from all corners of Australia to compete against the country's best.

 Here's a breakdown of the event:

ILCA 4: 22 entrants
ILCA 6: 62 entrants
ILCA 7: 35 entrants

Most Represented Club:
Double Bay Sailing Club stood out with 44 entrants.

Weather Conditions:

  • Saturday started with a promising wind forecast but we ended up facing challenging conditions due to a strong outgoing tide and the light and fickle oscillating breeze . The race committee and sailors struggled with multiple general recalls and postponements which led to a long day on the water.

  • Sunday brought a slightly more consistent breeze, which gradually built up to 12-18 knots from the NNE, providing excellent sailing conditions.

Race Highlights:

  • Saturday's races were characterized by frustrating conditions caused by tide and oscillating winds. The Black flag had to be used for some fleets.

  • Sunday saw improved sailing conditions with tight racing across all fleets and many photo finishes.

  • Consistency was key, and impressive performances from ILCA 4 sailors Miles Greenwood and Ben Costandi made for a scorecard resembling a picket fence shared equally between the two .


  • Miles Greenwood clinched victory in the ILCA 4 class by a narrow margin of one point over Ben Costandi, with Ruby Carter from RQYS third.

  • Double Bay sailors dominated the ILCA 6 class podium, with Sylvie Stannage leading the pack, followed by Healy Ryan and Brooke Wilson.

  • In the Standard rigs, Fredrik Westman from WSC was First, followed by Alexander Bijkerk with Otto Henry securing third place despite losing count of the number of laps sailed and continuing to complete another lap whilst others were finishing. Conor Kellett claimed fourth and the title of first under 21

Full results HERE

Loads of Great Action Photos avaliable from Jon West Photos Gallery HERE

Thank you Paul and Shirley, our regular canteen crew

Steven London

On behalf of the club, I would like to personally thank Paul Adam and Shirley Roach, our Regular Canteen Crew.

They come down and volunteer every weekend on our race days (and every day over the 18 Footers race weeks for the the JJ Giltinan world championship!) - as well as on Sundays throughout the 18 Footers season.

We all know Shirley makes the best toasties in Sydney, and Paul is constantly shopping and restocking the fridges and cupboards during the week making sure we have the sustenance we need to keep us going out on the water (and afterward), not to mention organising our Championship Barbeques!

We greatly appreciate their dedication to the Club.

- Steven London, Commodore