79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


RACE REPORT 11 November 2023

Chris Tattersall

All photos by Elisabeth Tattersall

Spring Point Score Races 7 & 8

PRO Geoff Kirk reports:

Last Saturday was Races 7 and 8 of our Spring Point Score series. The on-water team was Kim Ketelby and Elisabeth Tattersall on the committee boat, Ian Tudball and Conrad Johnston on the Paul Adam, and Keryn Smith on the Dene Bergman. Many thanks to them as they all did a great job.

We gathered early and Pat gave us his usual pep talk on what to do and then did some dodgy religious cross in front of him praying that we wouldn’t break anything. Well, that did absolutely nothing as immediately we broke the east davit, but with a bit of improvisation and a large hammer we got the Paul Adam eventually into the water.

With Jazzman not working, Ian Tudball kindly lent the club his boat, so a special thank you to him. It was very comfortable, and we particularly liked the exterior cushions and all agreed they would be a good addition to Jazzman when she is back on the water, but with one davit stuffed and Jazzman not working, now is perhaps not the best time to discuss soft furnishings with Pat…

So, to the sailing. It was a cracking nor’easter and I wished I was out there sailing. All fleets were well-behaved with no general recalls. The breeze built to a solid 20 knots, with an incoming tide, which equates to one thing: hard work!

There was a little bit of feedback on the length of the first race. Well, I’m not one to throw people under buses, but Pat laid the course (something he deeply regretted later as he was heading upwind), but the buck stops with me, and I could have picked up that it was a bit long when I had to get the binoculars out to see the top mark. We shortened Race 2 more to everyone’s liking, but for those heading to regattas: Race 1 is what you will get! 

Congratulations to all the sailors who completed the races, it looked tough out there.

Race 7 results:

ILCA 7 - 1. Andrew Simpson, 2. Grant Lovelady, 3. Nick Pellow

ILCA 6 - 1. Andrew Cox, 2. Mike Dunne, 3. Charles Byford

ILCA 4 - 1. Miles Greenwood, 2. Benjamin Constandi, 3. Jasper Kinsman

Race 8 results:

ILCA 7 - 1. Julian Taylor, 2. Grant Lovelady, 3. Nick Pellow

ILCA 6 - 1. Kirk Marcolina, 2. Charles Byford, 3. Andrew Cox

ILCA 4 - 1. Miles Greenwood, 2. Benjamin Constandi, 3. Jasper Kinsman

Notable performances in the ILCA 7’s were Luke Parker and David Neuman fighting it out in Race 1 finishing within half a second of each other. Whether Luke got his weight adjustments right for the conditions I am not sure, but I am sure he has his people looking into it. Grant Lovelady had a solid day as well in the ILCA 7’s. Andrew Cox, and Charles Byford sailed consistently all day in the ILCA 6’s. However, the award goes to one of our longest serving members at the club, Thomas Beregi, who persevered all day and completed both races in tough conditions.

A special thanks to Marian Traynor who volunteered to trip out to Bunnings in Alexandria to buy some chain blocks. Without her help we would not have been able to lift the Paul Adam out of the water with the davit out of action.


Chris Tattersall

Wednesday 15-Nov: Twilight Sailing (5PM splash)

Thursday 16-Nov: Twilight Racing (5PM splash)

Saturday 18-Nov:

  • ACT & NSW State Champs (Canberra YC)

  • Club Sprints at DBSC (2PM start)

Tuesday 21-Nov: Reach Youth Training (4:30PM ready)

Wednesday 22-Nov: Twilight Sailing (5PM splash)

Thursday 23-Nov: Twilight Racing (5PM splash)

Saturday 25-Nov: Spring Point Score 9 & 10 (2PM warning flag)

Thank you to the members who are sending through information for the newsletter. If you have content for the newsletter, please email it to newsletter@dbsc.com.au by Monday evening.

View all racing results here.
The club’s calendar can be viewed and subscribed to here.
Make a tax deductible donation to DBSC here.

RACE REPORT 4 November 2023

Chris Tattersall

Photo by Diana Chen

Spring Championships Races 7 & 8

PRO Peter Collie reports:

The day was full of surprises but we eventually had two support boats to run the racing and kitted out the Paul Adam with an improvised flag holder courtesy of John Vasey and a set of flags. The next challenge was figuring out the wind, but we eventually settled for a more southerly course onto the bay as it seemed to give more flexibility if things changed.

Both fleets were keen to get going in Race 7 and needed the black flag to curb their enthusiasm. From then on, the starters were still enthusiastic but well behaved with only one BFD.

The wind changed continuously in both direction and intensity making it a challenging day, but we did notice sailors enjoying some speedy reaches in Race 8.

Photos by Diana Chen

Race 7 results:

ILCA 7 - Julian Taylor 1, Rod Barnes 2, Luke Parker 3

ILCA 6 - Charlie Byford 1, Healy Ryan 2, Martin White 3

ILCA 4 - Harriet McLachlan 1, Miles Greenwood 2, Jasper Kinsman 3

Race 8 results:

ILCA 7 - Julian Taylor 1, Luke Parker 2, Murray Stone 3

ILCA 6 - Healy Ryan 1, Andrew Cox 2, James Tudball 3

ILCA 4 - Miles Greenwood 1, Harriet McLachlan 2, Jasper Kinsman 3

The on water team was Peter Collie PRO, Justin Davey LTRAR, Diana Chen COTD and Ben Byford as standing CoCOTD (thanks).

The race was followed by a convivial BBQ prepared by Paul and Shirley with a special guest appearance by Hadrien Bourely.

A big thanks to everyone who helped put the dollies away. Doing one each makes it light work and allows the on-water team to enjoy the end of the day as well. Let’s make it a habit.

DBSC Christmas Party for Members and Family

Chris Tattersall

DBSC Members and their Partners/Parents are Invited to join us from 5pm at our Christmas Party on Saturday 9 December which is held at the Club after racing (Racing on the day is our famous Tyrell & Rousso races. Details on these to follow in the coming weeks.)
The Christmas season is fast approaching, so members are advised to please save this date and RSVP as soon as you can.
RSVP using this link before 24 Nov: https://www.dbsc.com.au/club-events/2023-christmas-party

Learn To Race Report

Chris Tattersall

Under a grey sky and a shifting wind, Martin White and his team notched up another successful morning of Learn To Race (LTR), featuring short course races in Double Bay.  The fleet consisted of six non-members sailing club boats, and four club members sailing their own boats. 

Racing commenced on time, and the imposing Max Jura used his height to advantage in holding up the start flags and doing his version of a loud, raw, Aussie accent to give competitors the countdown to the start hooter for a 5-race format.

The racing at times resembled “dodgem cars” with each boat vying for top position at the turning marks with no holds barred. On water coach, Martin White, gave his words of wisdom, and by the last race, the fleet was starting to look more orderly. 

LTR is not just for non-club members.  It's also designed for tentative club members who are wanting to build up their confidence, so they can tackle the afternoon racing.  
Congratulations to regular LTR sailor, Peter Darcy-King, who from raw beginner, has progressed to buying a boat, and is now doing the afternoon races.

Dave Evenden is also on the improve, and our regular LTR sailor and Club Secretary, Tory Epworth, has developed from being a sailing beginner at LTR, to being a highly valued club member. 

A special mention to LTR sailor of many years, Derek Hand. This is a true story: He has recently signed up to a one-week coaching course with a USA coach in Mexico at the end of this month. Martin White sees this as a turning point in Derek’s sailing career and by Derek’s own admission if he doesn’t improve after this financial splurge, he will hang up his boots and sell his boat! Stay tuned for Derek’s article on his return from Mexico and we wish him well on his trip halfway around the globe flying the DBSC banner. 

And lastly, many thanks to our regular LTR helpers: Martin White, Pat Levy, Peter Collie, Scott Hunter, Steve London, Tim Heath and Max Jura.

— Ian Tudball

Photos by Ian Tudball

New Turf to Rigging Area

Steven London

As part of the Bay St upgrade project, Woollahra Council will lay new turf and turf protection to a portion of our rigging area starting this Monday. The area of coverage will be between the new footpath to the east and in line with our eastern ramp. It will also cover from the club to the footpath next to the children’s playground.

To give the new turf time to establish, the area may be barricaded off for a period.
Please ensure you obey all signage and keep off the new turf.

During this time all rigging will be further to the west, however we will still be able to access the Harbour using the eastern ramp near the club.
Once completed this will be a huge benefit to us all.


Chris Tattersall

Wednesday 08-Nov: Twilight Sailing (5PM splash)

Thursday 09-Nov: Twilight Racing (5PM splash)

Saturday 11-Nov:

  • Spring Point Score 7 & 8 (2PM warning flag)

  • Brett Beyer Saturday Program (final session)

Tuesday 14-Nov: Reach Youth Training (4:30PM ready)

Wednesday 15-Nov: Twilight Sailing (5PM splash)

Thursday 16-Nov: Twilight Racing (5PM splash)

Saturday 18-Nov:

  • ACT & NSW State Champs (Canberra YC)

  • Club Sprints at DBSC (2PM start)

Thank you to the members who are sending through information for the newsletter. If you have content for the newsletter, please email it to newsletter@dbsc.com.au by Monday evening.

View all racing results here.
The club’s calendar can be viewed and subscribed to here.
Make a tax deductible donation to DBSC here.

RACE REPORT 28 October 2023

Chris Tattersall

Spring Point Score Races 5 & 6

Photo courtesy of Livvy Hall

PRO Jules Hall reports:

The day started with the annual Competency Training - an important event at our club, refreshing our knowledge of the essential safety, race management and club boat procedures. You would be forgiven for thinking your PRO was not in attendance for the race management part, but he was, and he listened quite hard. Which was lucky because Huey was in for some games on the afternoon racetrack.

With an 8kt easterly at 2pm we laid a Dardanelles course, tapping into a nice funnelling effect between Shark Island and Point Bethwaite. The Radials and 4.7s made a complete schmozzle of the first start so up went the first substitute flag accompanied by two hoots to signify a general recall. There was some faffing to get the pin in the right place to create a squarer line. Once done the hooter went once and exactly one minute later (per DBSC Race Management Guidelines) we were back in sequence. A clean start this time and off went the Radials.

For the main event the Standards were their usual excellent selves, showing the Radials and 4.7s how to start in a professional, mature manner. Unfortunately, the development fleet (aka Radials and 4.7s) were a little too far away to witness the excellence (perhaps the Standards might do a demonstration start as part of next year's competency training?)

As the PRO, LTRaR, COTD and Co-COTD all reclined on the RIBs congratulating themselves on their efforts, the fleets proceeded around the course, more or less obeying the rules.

Huey obviously saw this self-indulgence. Clearly not appropriate. So, he decided to mix things up. The 8kts easterly declined to a far too sedate 1kt, gusting 2kts as the back half of the Radial and 4.7 fleet rounded the bottom mark for the second time. The fleets had been on course for 38 minutes at this point and, knowing we had to hit the target time of 45 min races to maintain our position on the PRO leaderboard, we dispatched the Dene Bergman to the top mark armed with hooter and Code Flag S to finish the boat 1.5 laps early. Two hoots, code flag S hoisted, along with all three class flags and the boats were finished smoothly.

As the Standards were approaching the finish line Huey threw in his next curve ball. The wind filled back in with an 8kt NE. Here we go! A little bit of sea breeze to make Race 2 a ripper!

The wing mark became the top mark. We moved pin to square up the line and by the time the Bergman was back at the starting area we were straight into sequence. The Radials and 4.7s must have been sneaking a peak at the Standards first start. They got it right this time. Excellent.

The Standards start. Well, the less said the better. Disappointing chaps. Maybe we reconsider that start demonstration for next year? Anyway, the black flag got them back in line and they were away for Race 2. Unfortunately, at exactly the same moment the majority of the Radial fleet were sailing through the line on their second beat. Oops.

Huey was still watching and his work was not complete. Nor’easter? No way - too good for you lot, he thought. Back to the east he sent it. At least he kept it at 8kts. For the Standards this meant the reaches were a run and a fetch. For the Radials the beat was a reach. And so was the run.

The race committee was all over it. The Paul Adam weighed anchor and aimed for the bottom mark. The Dene Bergman was sent to the top mark. The plan was simple - as soon as the last 4.7 was round the top mark we lift and move it east towards the Dardanelles. Meanwhile Code Flag C with sound signals at the bottom mark to signify the course change before the first boat rounds.

All was going swimmingly until we realised Sylvie Stannage was about 3 miles in front of the fleet and would be round the bottom mark before the last boat made the top mark. As you aren't allowed to change the course when a boat is on the affected leg, we were snookered. We could not change the course without abandoning the race and starting again.

It was far too late in the day for that sort of nonsense, so we let the race play out. A number of the gentlemen thanked us in the bar afterwards for removing upwind sailing – gentlemen, apparently, don't do that. The others enjoyed the five legs of reaching practice. We understand there may have been a position change or two, but the procession was orderly and neat for the most part.

DBSC - 0

Huey - 2

Other than that, a great day on the harbour! Snappy video of the racing by aspiring 4.7 sailor Livvy Hall is here.

Results (1st / 2nd / 3rd):

Race 5:

ILCA7: Julian Taylor / Luke Parker / Zander Bijkerk

ILCA6: Ryan Healy = Sylvie Stannage / Jack Restuccia / Sara Bruce

ILCA4: Benjamin Costandi / Jasper Kinsman / Zoe Allen

Race 6:

ILCA7: Zander Bijkerk / Craig Sheers / Hamish Crabb

ILCA6: Sylvie Stannage / Ryan Healy / Martin White

ILCA4: Benjamin Costandi / Zoe Allen / Jasper Kinsman

Photos by Elisabeth Tattersall

Competency Day

Chris Tattersall

Big thank you to those members that attended last Saturday’s training sessions. I am confident that everyone learned something new and is better for it. Thanks to David, Pat and Andrew for their hard work and passion for teaching.

Photos by Elisabeth Tattersall