79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


Working Bee

Steven London

Please make time to attend this important club event. The annual working bee will be conducted on Saturday 19 August from 8am to 11:30am. This annual event takes considerable planning and is necessary in order to ensure our club is ready to run smoothly for the summer season.

All members are expected to attend – there is a significant amount of work to be done, with jobs "big" & "small" to suit all members. If you are unable to attend on the day, please contact the Commodore, Steven London, and arrange for a job to be undertaken at a time convenient to you.

Brett Beyer Saturday Program Book Now

Steven London

Don't forget to book your place in the Brett Beyer Saturday Program HERE 

The program comprises individualised on-water tips before and after racing and between races, as well as a video of the start, and a GPS animation and accompanying analysis that shows your tracks and stats vs the other participants in the fleet on a leg-by-leg basis, with commentary on fleet and/or selected individual performances on each leg. It also includes the opportunity to ask Brett questions during the week, between BBSP sessions.

The initial program for the 23/24 season will run for 8 sessions on 9 Sep, 16 Sep, 23 Sep, 7 Oct, 21 Oct, 28 Oct, 4 Nov, and 11 Nov.  The cost of the program is $560 (plus merchant fees) per person, and this pricing is dependent on 20 participants.

Click HERE to register for the program. The terms and conditions can be found on the registration form.


Chris Tattersall

Wharf reconstruction

Wharf reconstruction works are in full swing, with completion set for late December (hopefully before the holidays). The contractor has cordoned off the worksite with buoy strings, and the corners are anchored to concrete blocks. Please be aware that the anchor for the southwest corner is close to where we sail:

Thank you to the members who are sending through information for the newsletter. If you have content for the newsletter, please email it to newsletter@dbsc.com.au by Monday evening.

View all racing results here.
The club’s calendar can be viewed and subscribed to here.
Make a tax deductible donation to DBSC here.


Chris Tattersall

Sunday’s Racing:

Winds were variable from light to non-existent, generally from the northwest, but the race committee managed to complete two races. The first (R22) set off in a decent 8 kts. The racing was tight and tactical on the upwind (as long as you didn’t head left off the start line), with some stress added to the downwind legs as the breeze lightened and the fleets compressed. Our PRO wisely moved the weather mark closer for the second race (R23). The breeze picked up again for the first weather leg, but then died off completely for a while. Most managed to complete the second race, though some elected to paddle home early.

Winter Championships R22/R23

ILCA 6: Ian Alexander / James Gosling

ILCA 7: Zander Bijkerk / Ryan Aldrich

ILCA 4: [no entries] / Olivia Aitken

Winter Point Score R22/R23

ILCA 6: Daryl Lawrence / James Gosling

ILCA 7: David DaCosta Enes / Daniel Costandi

ILCA 4: [no entries] / Olivia Aitken

This completed our Winter Series racing. Congratulations to our podiums:

Winter Series Overall Results

Winter Championships 1st / 2nd / 3rd:

ILCA 6: Connor Kellett / Charles Byford / David Airey

ILCA 7: Zander Bijkerk / Daniel Costandi / Quentin Burns

ILCA 4: Benjamin Costandi / Charlotte Jenkins / Olivia Aitken

Winter Point Score 1st / 2nd / 3rd:

ILCA 6: David Airey / Connor Kellett / Chris Tattersall

ILCA 7: Maxim Djura / Tim Heath / Quentin Burns

ILCA 4: Benjamin Costandi / Charlotte Jenkins / Olivia Aitken

4.7 Youth Worlds in Volos, Greece

Chris Tattersall

Four DBSC youth members (Healy Ryan, Cormac Johnston, Charles Byford and Jack Restuccia) have just successfully completed the 4.7 Youth Worlds in Greece.  The regatta was held at the Nautical Club of Volos and Argonauts in Volos.

There were 290 boys and 159 girls from 49 countries competing in the regatta. The huge competitive fleet, predominantly light winds, HOT weather, a sprinkling of wildfires and delicious Greek food provided lots of fun and challenges for the sailors!

The Aussie team are now en route back to Australia and we look forward to delivering a thorough regatta report in the newsletter next week. In the meantime, congratulations, boys.  We know you (and your supportive parents!) enjoyed a fantastic time and learnt lots on the water.

- James Tudball


Healy Ryan: Silver Fleet, 15th
Charles Byford: Bronze Fleet, 27th
Jack Restuccia: Bronze Fleet, 61st
Cormac Johnston: Emerald Fleet, 8th

Team Australia


Chris Tattersall

Saturday Racing Commences This Weekend

Please don’t forget we are switching back to Saturday racing this weekend with Winter Sprints starting at 13:00 (briefing at 12:00).

Also on Saturday, Youth Training will commence at 08:00.

Thank you to the members who are sending through information for the newsletter. If you have content for the newsletter, please email it to newsletter@dbsc.com.au by Monday evening.

View all racing results here.
The club’s calendar can be viewed and subscribed to here.
Make a tax deductible donation to DBSC here.


Chris Tattersall

Race report to follow (hopefully), meanwhile here are the results:

Winter Championships R19/R20/R21

ILCA 6: Ian Alexander/Paige Caldecoat/Paige Caldecoat

ILCA 7: Daniel Costandi(RSYS)/Zander Bijkerk/Daniel Costandi(RSYS)

ILCA 4: no starters

Winter Point Score R19/R20/R21

ILCA 6: Ian Alexander/Peter Collie/Peter Collie

ILCA 7: Andrew Foote/Julian Taylor/Julian Taylor

ILCA 4: no starters


Chris Tattersall

Annual Working BEE Saturday 19 August 2023

The annual working bee will be conducted on Saturday 19 August from 8am. This annual event takes considerable planning and is necessary in order to ensure our club is ready to run smoothly for the summer season. All members are expected to attend – there is a significant amount of work to be done.

If you are unable to attend on the day, please contact the Commodore, Steven London, and arrange for a job to be undertaken at a time convenient to you.

Thank you to the members who are sending through information for the newsletter. If you have content for the newsletter, please email it to newsletter@dbsc.com.au by Monday evening.

View all racing results here.
The club’s calendar can be viewed and subscribed to here.
Make a tax deductible donation to DBSC here.


Chris Tattersall

Annual Working BEE Saturday 19 August 2023

The annual working bee will be conducted on Saturday 19 August from 8am. This annual event takes considerable planning and is necessary in order to ensure our club is ready to run smoothly for the summer season. All members are expected to attend – there is a significant amount of work to be done. If you are unable to attend on the day, please contact the Commodore, Steven London, and arrange for a job to be undertaken at a time convenient to you.

The racing calendar is now complete and is available on the DBSC website.

The calendar may look slightly different to previous years and it has been an interesting exercise working our scheduled events in with the regatta season. Once you take into consideration public and school holidays, and then the States, the Metro’s, the Australian Masters, the Masters Worlds, the Vaucluse Regatta and Sail GP, it becomes a very busy season indeed.

Some points of interest:

  • School Holidays do not align with Easter this year.

  • In March we head up to Vaucluse two weekends in a row for the Vaucluse Regatta and the Metro’s. This coincides with the JJ Giltinan’s (18-Footer Worlds) which is great timing.

  • The last Club Championship heat for the season will be on the 6th April to avoid school holidays and Anzac Day.

-Rod Barnes

Disko Trooper in the Fastnet

Chris Tattersall

Jules Hall and Jan (Clogs) Scholten are in the UK making their final preparations to compete in the Rolex Fastnet in the double-handed category. This the 50th anniversary of this iconic race and some 500 boats are entered. The start is Saturday 22 July.

The pair had a very successful Hobart Race in 2021, taking 1st in the 2-Handed IRC division, and 2nd in 2-Handed Line Honours. This time their J-99 Disko Trooper - Contender Sailcloth will competing in a much larger field of 108 double-handers.

The race is 690 nautical miles, starting from Cowes in the south of England, west to Ireland, then around the Fastnet Rock and back up the English Channel to finish in Cherbourg, Normandy. It should take 4 - 5 days depending on weather.

They are competing on an identical J99 to their own boat in Sydney. To minimise differences they have brought with them all of their sails and quite a lot of the ropes!

You can follow Jules and Clogs on Instagram @disko_trooper. And you can follow the race in realtime here via the boat trackers here: YB Tracking Race Viewer - Rolex Fastnet 2023