79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


Brett Beyer Saturday Program

Steven London

We are delighted to announce that Brett Beyer has agreed to run his very popular Brett Beyer Saturday Program again this coming summer season.  This is an excellent opportunity to improve your sailing – whether you are training for the Adelaide Worlds or just want to improve your position in the fleet!

The program comprises individualised on-water tips before and after racing and between races, as well as a video of the start, and a GPS animation and accompanying analysis that shows your tracks and stats vs the other participants in the fleet on a leg-by-leg basis, with commentary on fleet and/or selected individual performances on each leg. It also includes the opportunity to ask Brett questions during the week, between BBSP sessions.

The initial program for the 23/24 season will run for 8 sessions on 9 Sep, 16 Sep, 23 Sep, 7 Oct, 21 Oct, 28 Oct, 4 Nov, and 11 Nov.  The cost of the program is $560 (plus merchant fees) per person, and this pricing is dependent on 20 participants. Please click HERE to register for the program. The terms and conditions can be found on the registration form. This Program is available to Members only.

Reach Youth Winter Sailing: July 5 + 6

Steven London

On July 5 + 6 during the school holidays, our Reach committee is running a two day coaching clinic, which all DBSC youth members are invited to attend.  The coaching will focus on starts and race tactics.

For more information on the coaching clinic (and to book) please CLICK HERE.


Steven London

South Pacific Laser Masters - July 7-10 - rqys

Ahoy all Masters Laser sailors. The South Pacific Laser Masters regatta is on soon at RQYS in sunny Queensland. Kicking off with a forum on the evening of Thursday 6th July and racing 7th- 10th July. All entrants are in the draw to win a new sail and lots of other gear. A great winter regatta.

Charter boats are available from NB or privately.

Please contact Michael Wilson 0417 758 859 for more info.

Thank you to the members who are sending through information for the newsletter. If you have content for the newsletter, please email it to newsletter@dbsc.com.au by Monday evening.

View all racing results here.
The club’s calendar can be viewed and subscribed to here.
Make a tax deductible donation to DBSC here.


Chris Tattersall

It was a sparkling clear morning with a magical sunrise. Thankfully, the fickle 5 knot predicted northerly was replaced by a reliable 9-12 knot oscillating westerly. So we were on: King’s Birthday sprints.

We ran a series of seven races of ~15 minutes in length, which featured a Campbell Patton demonstration master class in quick sailing, both upwind and down. But, unperturbed, Geoff Kirk continued his beat-the-youth campaign with a couple of wins. The highlight of the day was a photo finish in the last race, with Steven London pipping Grant Lovelady for a winning margin of less than 10 cm on the line!

Thanks to the on-water crew of Andrew Cox, Geoff Boscoe, Ryan Aldrich and Julian Taylor. And to Paul Adam for the excellent soup!

See you again next week!

Report by Andrew Cox

2023 East Coast Youth Regatta

Steven London

Last weekend 15 DBSC members attended the 2023 East Coast Youth Regatta held at Georges River Sailing Club. The training and hard work over the last 4 weeks paid off. Congratulations to all our sailors that raced in the relatively light conditions on Botany Bay, and a special call out to Conor Kellett who won the ILCA 6 Division!

Thank you to the DBSC Reach Coaches who have been providing support for our youth in the lead-up, including Paige Caldecoat, Brooke Wilson, Joshua Becker, James Tudball and then at the regatta, expertly guided by coach Dan Costandi who shares his local knowledge of Botany Bay, mentoring the young Double Bay sailors.

1st Conor Kellett
2nd Quentin Burns
7th Ali Braden
8th James Hayhoe
9th Harriet McLachlan
13th Charlotte Gosling
14th James Gosling


5th Healy Ryan
7th Ben Costandi
11th Charlie Byford
21st Charlotte Jenkins


Steven London

Double Bay ferry wharf upgrade starts 13-Jun.

The wharf will close temporarily from Tuesday 13 June 2023 for around six months, weather permitting. Ferry passengers will need to use alternative transport during this time.

For more information please read this PDF guide provided by TfNSW HERE, or visit their web site HERE

Thank you to the members who are sending through information for the newsletter. If you have content for the newsletter, please email it to newsletter@dbsc.com.au by Monday evening.

View all racing results here.
The club’s calendar can be viewed and subscribed to here.
Make a tax deductible donation to DBSC here.


Steven London

Sunday’s racing got underway under a slightly threatening sky. It was not as cold as usual which resulted in a certain member of the race committee choosing to remain in a T shirt throughout the day.  Well done Andrew Foote, you are a braver man than I. 

We had a great fleet of around 30 boats again and the 5 to 12 knot SSE to ESE wind was shifty and unpredictable. This played havoc with the fleet at times, particularly at the starts. There were plenty of lead changes upwind, and for the downwind legs, it was all about keeping in the narrow pressure bands that made there way down the course. 

Thanks to Andrew Foote, Ben Byford, David De Costa Enes and Andrew Craker for their assistance on the day. 

For me, the highlight of the day was to see master Geoff Kirk edge out his younger opponents in race 12 of the ILCA 7 fleet.  You’ve still got it Geoff, well done! Results were recorded as follows: 

Winter Championships:
Race 10 - ILCA 4 Benjamin Costandi, ILCA 6 Brooke Wilson, ILCA 7 Zander Bijkerk
Race 11 - ILCA 4 Benjamin Costandi, ILCA6 Brooke Wilson, ILCA 7 Zander Bijkerk
Race 12 - ILCA 4 Olivia Aitken, ILCA 6 Charles Byford, ILCA 7 Geoff Kirk 

Winter Pointscore:
Race 10 - ILCA 4 Benjamin Costandi, ILCA 6 Chris Tattersall, ILCA 7 Conor Roche
Race 11 - ILCA 4 Olivia Aitken, ILCA 6 Scott Finlayson, ILCA 7 Conor Roche
Race 12 - ILCA 4 Olivia Aitken, ILCA 6 James Hayhoe, ILCA 7 Geoff Kirk 

Sign on for Race days or you wont be scored

Steven London

All racing members are required to sign on with the Sailor App on race days. If you don’t sign on you may be marked DNC or DQS in the results. If you sign on with the wrong sail number, you may be marked DNF.

If you are in any doubt as to how to sign on, please see the Race Officer on race day or contact results@dbsc.com.au
The sign on screen must show your Name, Division and Sail Number - and show as GREEN “Signed ON”
You will find more information on our web page HERE

Double Bay Wharf Upgrade 13 June 2023

Steven London

The NSW Government is upgrading Double Bay Wharf as part of the Transport Access Program. This is not expected to have an impact on DBSC club racing. However you may see barges with anchor lines in the water in the area to the north of the club, and are advised to keep clear of any workers, barges or anchor lines near the wharf.

Also if you see Blue & White signal flag “Alpha” - you should assume in this case there are Divers working in the water, and avoid taking your sailing boat or motor boat into that area.

The wharf will close temporarily from Tuesday 13 June 2023 for around six months, weather permitting. Ferry travelers will need to use alternative transport during this time.

For more information please read this PDF guide provided by TfNSW HERE
Or visit their web site HERE

planned changes to the Bay St cul-de-sac

Local Council will coordinate to make changes to the Bay St cul-de-sac during the same time period. If you have any questions about the Bay Street upgrades please visit Woollahra’s web site HERE , or contact Council on 9391 7000.

The general overview is that they will move the turning circle further south as shown in this impression below. We are informed that DBSC will continue to have access through the new pedestrian area to the existing Bay St park gate near the playground (that is used by DBSC and the 18 footers for trailers to enter the park). We are informed that Ambulance access will also continue to be available to the club and to the beach area that is directly east of the 18 footers.