Fees for 2015/16
Good news: no change to fees for next season!
A huge effort by our canteen volunteers this year, again, means we don't have to change the fees for the sixth year (or more)! With the hosting of the 12 foot inter dominion champions and the Metropolitan Championships, the canteen has delivered the club over $10k this season!
As foreshadowed about twelve months ago, we would like the fees paid at the start of our financial year, i.e. 1 May 2015, rather than when the sailing season starts in August, to help make sure everything that the club needs to buy before the sailing season is bought. Capex includes hydraulic steering for the Dene Bergman, which be a welcomed relief to volunteers who have to drive that RIB.
In a nutshell fees are:
- membership $200 - 50% discount applies for those with a NSW student travel concession.
- racing fee $200 - 50% discount applies for those with a NSW student travel concession.
- storage fee for a Laser $400 - no discounts.
- storage fee for dinghy $200 - no discounts.
- membership and racings fees for a family are capped at $600 per family unit.
- if you store your Laser at the club, you need to pay a racing fee.
We take a fairly enlightened view of what constitutes a family unit. In additional to traditional family units, we cater to LGBT household units, shared vegetarian household units, acquaintances who share a household because they don't own a television and only listen to Radio National, anyone who lives in a nursing home, etc
Given our insurance costs alone during the 2014/15 averaged $185 per member and the cost of maintaining the clubhouse and support boats, the fees are modest .
Invoices will be sent out in a couple of weeks.