79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.

Brett Beyer Terms

 Brett Beyer Saturday Program (BBSP) Terms

The program is conducted by Brett Beyer Sailing and all contractual arrangements are between the participant and Brett Beyer Sailing. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Double Bay Sailing Club disclaims all liability, including liability for negligence. The program will run for the advertised number of sessions, unless notified from time to time. Brett Beyer Sailing reserves the right to cancel particular sessions at its discretion for reasons that may include, without limitation, conflicting coaching responsibilities, competition events, holiday periods, and weather. If a session is cancelled at the option of Brett Beyer Sailing, the program will be extended to ensure participants receive the advertised number of sessions or applicable monies will be refunded. If a participant is unable to attend a particular session when the program is conducted, the participant forfeits the entitlement to that session and Brett Beyer Sailing does not have to make good. Any sample reports are indicative only and Brett Beyer Sailing does not warrant the form or content and accepts no liability if the form or content differs. Where a program is advertised to include individual commentary (as opposed to fleet level commentary), Brett Beyer Sailing will record real-time technical observations on various eligible participants using a dictaphone or other means. However, due to the number of eligible participants, and the practicalities involved with monitoring all participants, Brett Beyer Sailing may not provide individual on-water or written technical comments where applicable for each eligible participant each session or at all. Brett Beyer Sailing accepts no responsibility for failure of electronic equipment including a failure to record GPS information where applicable, and the resulting inability to provide the advertised content including content that is similar to that shown in any sample or prior reports. Before leaving the water after a session, each participant is required to return to Brett Beyer Sailing any equipment provided to them (including GPS unit and sailing bib), and failure by a participant to do so will result in no GPS information for that participant being included in any report or animation for that session. Each participant is liable to Brett Beyer Sailing for the loss of any equipment provided to them. Where a program is advertised to include on-water coaching and/or the opportunity to ask on-water questions, Brett Beyer Sailing does not guarantee equal time for each participant. The program may not occur at the advertised price and/or all if Brett Beyer Sailing deems there to be insufficient subscribers. The Program is available to Members only. (Updated 2023)